Deacon Don Tucker

Goliath was not the only giant David faced. A man of many roles—shepherd, warrior, servant, friend, leader, father, king—David experienced both victory and defeat, triumph and disaster. And yet, perhaps the most telling summary of his life is God’s own one-line biography: “a man after Mine own heart.”

In this thirteen-lesson curriculum, discover how you, too, can face your giants in the strength of the Lord. The arena for courage does not always lie in a far-away battlefield. Sometimes it stands in your own backyard. Like David, dare to engage your everyday battles with confidence in the resources of God.

Sermons in this Series

Part Date Title
1 10/7/18 DARE To Answer God’s Call
2 10/14/18 DARE To Take On Giants
3 12/9/18 Daring to Accept Correction
4 12/16/18 Dare to Be Meek